07977 431141 info@itasupport.co.uk

Six Reasons why every Rual Town Needs an App

The App provides a new way for businesses to connect with residents and visitors

Restabilising Connections

It helps businesses connect with the community, to promote their products and services. Restabilising connections between business owners and residents that have been lost over time. How many residents truly know what you as a business owner actually provide in the way of products and services? Don’t forgot those that move into the surrounding area, they won’t know where you are, or what you can offer, but they will if they download the App.

We are Based in Wales so Our Town App is Bilingual

The App is bilingual and so gives you a listing in Welsh and English. Your business description is professionally translated into Welsh free of charge if you require it.


The App is all about “LOCAL” so, the business directory only has local businesses listed. This means it’s a privileged place with no outside competition you would get from your website listing on Google.


Promoting Offers

As a listed business you are welcome to list any promotional offers within the “Offers” section, free of charge.



As a listed business you can also have your “Promotional Events” added to the Towns “What’s on” Calendar free of charge.


Business Directory

In years gone by, the “Yellow Pages” or “Phone Book” were used to search for our local shops and service providers. That’s what the App’s Business Directory is, a digital directory for just local shops and service providers


The town app isn’t just about promoting businesses and events. It’s also about fostering a close-knit and connected community. With no Google advertisements, the app remains focused on supporting and promoting local businesses.


DYMA Llandelio

Want to see more about our Town App for Llandelio click the link below.


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