07977 431141 info@itasupport.co.uk

It’s all Changed with COVID-19

Click and Collect for Small Businesses has become a major part of the changes brought on by COVID-19 and how it has affected our old “On-Demand” life.

Just turning up to a café or takeaway to pick what you fancy is something we once did and now we have restrictions! (Times of opening, number of people in store etc)

Current Solutions

So, what have businesses been using to bridge the gap and get a “Click & Collect” service up and running?

  • Phone 
  • Facebook Messenger
  • WhatsApp
  • Website
  • Email
  • App’s (Own- or Third-Party ones like Food Hub)
  • Or a mix of some of the above!

But most of these are not a seamless experience for your customer and some are just to dam awkward to bother with ever again.

So, what is the ideal solution?

There are two answers

  • If you have eCommerce shop  (like Shopify) or a WordPress website it is possible to add that “Click & Collect” function via a Plugin.


  • Get an App for your business and get into your customers pocket once you are there the benefits can really start to work. It is seamless, from the point of order to payment & collecting. Best of all, the marketing potential is even greater! Apps do not cost the earth anymore, so ROI is quicker.

Be Local

The real “Takeaway” (pun intended) is the real need for your “Local Community” to have a connection to your business and the services you provide. You need to make them seamless and effective and start rebuilding that customer base and using an “App” is by far the best way.

Need help finding your solution?

Get In Touch

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